This course, previously offered by S K Somaiya College, will now be offered by Somaiya School of Basic & Applied Sciences.



Programme Overview

This is a post graduate two years full time programme, which is designed in a way to fully equip students for blooming carriers in various areas of environment.

Programme spreads over four semesters with three semesters dedicated for skill development in the fields of biodiversity management, environmental impact assessment, environmental management, life cycle assessment, environmental audits, climate change and mitigation, pollution management and industrial safety. Fourth semester is reserved for students completely for completing 3 months research project or industrial internship, to bridge the gap in learning and practicing what one learns.

This is a choice based credit programme structured to allow students to take up subjects of their linking. Programme has been designed not only to make students, job ready but also to create an entrepreneurship skills and competency amongst them through the process of innovation.

Key Information

1 Year
Programme Code
Mode of study
Full time
Vidyavihar - Mumbai

Programme Objectives

  • Gaining Cutting-edge Knowledge, fundamental principles of Environmental Science
  • Developing acumen towards Scientific methods, Problem Analysis and critical thinking
  • Understand intricacies of Design and/or development of solutions
  • Learn to conduct investigations of complex Problems
  • Gain knowledge on technology tools
  • Understand linkage between the Graduate and society and their responsibility
  • Create Environment, sustainability and Legitimacy
  • Develop Moral values and responsibilities in students
  • Inculcate Individual efforts, team work and management skills.
  • Improve student communication skills in various fields of scientific communication
  • Build skill sets for competitive exams Entrepreneurship, Project management and finance
  • Build students aptitude and attitude towards Life-long learning

Programme Objectives


Knowledge based learning taught within classrooms with the help of various student centric learning methods like think pair share, Jigsaw, double bubble sharing. While the other half focuses on actual field based learning methods through case studies and field immersion programs. While practical components have been designed in case study manner to train students in real life scenarios which are assessed using continuous assessment.



Application of programme are wide spread in various fields. Some of the major fields where this degree is applicable are

  • Climate Change Research
  • Environmental Compliance in Companies
  • Industrial Health and Safety
  • Environmental Clearance
  • Environmental Legal Advisors
  • Environmental Officers
  • Climate Change Ambassadors
  • Ministry of Environment and Forest and Climate Change
  • Pollution Control Boards
  • Ward Environmental Officers

Due to its dynamic field and industry exposure course has wide scope for freelance consultancy opportunities along with earn and learn

Specializations Offered

  • Environmental Science


FY F.Y. 2024SY A.Y. 2024SY (Till A.Y. 2023)
Semester I Semester II

Climate and Geology

Research Methodology and Data Analysis

Ecology & Biodiversity

Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology

Environmental Pollution and Degradation

Industrial Safety, Health and Environment

Environmental Pollution Control Technology

Advanced Environmental Monitoring – (Air, Water and Soil Quality)

Introduction Environmental Monitoring – (Air, Water and Soil Quality)

Elective Course (EC)

Field Immersion: Field Naturalist Program

Applications of Computer in Environment


Ecological restoration and Biodiversity Management


Community Outreach / Research projects

Semester III Semester IV

Climate Change-Science Policies

Internship / Dissertation

Sustainable Development

Conference Publication

Environmental Management Tools




Ecotourism Management


Environmental Ethics and Policies


Minor Research Project


Field Immersion: Field Naturalist Program

Semester I Semester II

Core Course (CC)

Core Course (CC)

Ecology & Environment

Research Methodology and Data Analysis

Biodiversity Conservation and Governance

Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology

Environmental Pollution and Degradation

Industrial Safety, Health and Environment

Pollution Control Technology


Environmental Monitoring – Air, Water and Soil Quality


Elective Course (EC)


Advanced Environmental Technologies


Applications of Computer in Environment

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC)

Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC)

Field Immersion

Community Outreach/ Research// Consultancy projects

Semester III Semester IV

Core Courses


Climate Change-Science Policies

Advance Techniques in EIA

Sustainable Development

Disaster Management

Environmental Management Tools




Ecotourism Management


Environmental Ethics and Policies


Graduate Attributes

  • Academic excellence
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Critical Thinking:
  • Creativity and originality
  • Engagement with the Society
  • Environmental Sensitivity
  • Leadership and team spirit
  • Professional Efficiency
  • Strong presentation & communication skills
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