With the principle of “Let food be your medicine” students can make various food supplements
- To prevent diseases
- As Immunomodulators
- As Therapeutic adjuvants
Students can explore the world of authentic, indigenous plants and discover / Identify / Isolate various Phytonutraceuticals and their role in Health.
M.Sc. Nutraceuticals equips the students venture into the Food and Nutraceutical Industry which involves
- Pre-production testing – Field work of collection of raw materials, Testing and phytonutraceuticals profiling
- Food processing unit operator
- Quality Control Manager - Maintain the quality of functional food/ Nutraceutical supplements
- Market analyst - To do the market surveys and be help industry to grow and develop in all aspects
One can make own products and be the young entrepreneur. To boost your confidence, we already have startup like Beaniesnack Foods Pvt Ltd - Health Etos, Growbar Greens-Microgreens.
An aspiring individual with good teaching, communication skills, can work in Academics. As such, the core course of M.Sc. Nutraceuticals covers a plethora of basic ‘Life Science ‘ concepts in its foundation, the M.Sc. Nutraceutical degree holder acquires multiple options of core specialization to begin teaching.